
Join two friends as we go Beyond Those Texts on a rewatch of the original Star Trek series. It is correct for you to be concerned, but be assured, also, that we’ll have a lot of fun as we share why we love the original Star Trek even after all these years. We’ll talk about the show, but go beyond to discuss trivia, pop culture, philosophy, and whatever else comes up.


Nora was a nerd before nerds were cool, growing up in the 70s she started watching Star Trek in syndication, and easily identified with the intelligent, but emotionally repressed outsider, Spock. Fortunately for her, in today’s world holding an A7 Computer Expert classification is not only great for the resume, but good for the social life (that is, if you’re only interested in other geeks). She’s been a lifelong fan of science fiction because it uses aliens to ponder what it means to be human and future possibilities to shed light on the here and now.


Though Andy has settled down from being the ladies’ man of his youth and hasn’t dropkicked anyone (or any door) in many years, he’s still known to crash a computer every now and then. He brings not only his talents as a musician and voice artist to this project, but his encyclopedic knowledge of classic TV (read: useless trivia).

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